Hot news from The Sweet Reason Company

Everyone seemed to have such a fabulous Easter, not only did we eat Mini Eggs brownies and participate in Easter egg hunts, the sun was out! This taste of summer is what everyone needs to lift the spirit, put the winter coats away and get the sunglasses out!

It has been a really exciting month for us, Easter was busy as we sent out lots of Easter brownie bite boxes and shared the brownie love. We also had a great sale with Sheer Luxe who we love working with, their daily updates on fashion, travel and food are just spot on, check them out here.

Pan Macmillan invited us to work on an event with them and our brownie bite goody bags went down a treat! We have some other events we are working on, so watch this space for more free brownie bites! 

We started working with our new corporate client Satigo in March, a leading technology recruitment consultancy in the city. We are branding their brownie bites boxes with their logo, it looks fabulous and we are really excited to be able to personalise our boxes with our clients brand.

We are launching bespoke brownie bites boxes on our website very soon, so you can pick the flavours to go in your box... like a pick 'n' mix brownie experience. Also some new flavours are coming soon in both our brownies and teas, can't wait to let you know which ones, we are still trying to decide as they are all so good.

We have done some fabulous competitions and 2 lucky people have won our boxes... keep an eye out for more competitions in the next couple of months.. more gift boxes on offer!

Enjoy this fabulous sunshine, lets hope it stays!






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