Treasured memories that go beyond gifting
Here at The Sweet Reason Company, gifting is a complete experience for us. It's memorable and it's personal.
We believe every gift comes with personal meaning. We have always included a personalised gift message in our gifts and its something we will always offer. There is power and value in words, even more so than gifts themselves.
How about if it could get even more personal? Introducing FREE QR video messaging. There's times you want to be there but can't, there's times written words and thoughts just don't suffice.
A simple method of recording a video and using the magic of QR to bring it to life when your recipient opens their gift and scans the QR code attached to their gift box. Personalised messaging just got even better!
How it works

1. Choose the perfect Gift
Browse a huge range of gifts suitable for all occasions. Every single gift on our site is available with video messaging. Find the perfect gift and when you're ready, navigate to checkout for step 2.

2. record your video message
When you get to the cart, you'll see the 'add a virtual gift message' button. Click the button and follow the instructions in the pop up. If you dont want to send a video gift message you can also opt for voice message.

3. Your Gift Will be shipped
When your order comes through to us we'll see unique identifiers that show you've uploaded a personal video message. We'll attach a QR to your gift that tells your recipient that a special message is available.
Use of our video messaging option is free of charge
The recipient will need to have access to a smartphone. When they open their gift they will find a sticker with a QR code telling them to scan. To do so they can open their camera or QR reader app and interact with the QR code. They may need to input their mobile number to access their message
Your gift message video is private, we receive a unique code that shows a video has been uploaded to the gift which we attach to the QR label. Due to strict data protection laws we cannot edit or view customer videos
This is possible. Please contact us to discuss further, or mention this feature during your corporate enquiry